
This is a webpage where I give thanks to folks who help me out and such.

First up: Massive shout-out to Garch/ArsenePhantom, the author of the Persona Files series, which is like, straight-up responsible for me actually writing Shatter. Y'all should check it out, Garch rocks and she's great at writing.

Second up: Thank you to Sam Gabriel for deciding "yeah, i'll let cog run my discord server," and also for being generally a cool lady. Check her out, give her money (either on his Patreon or by actually like, hiring her to read your stuff. She's a professional and her rates are more than reasonable!

Third: Thank you to MisterEverything for consistently commenting. It's not unreasonable to count you as my first fan, weird as it is to say! Also, you're a cool dude and i'm glad we're friends. SHAWNK.

Fourth: Thank you to Callmesalticidae for being a good friend, and an amazing idea board (as well as beta-ing the Abridged Life!)

Last, but certainly not least: Thank you to Sectumus, Theo, and Sakkiko. Thank you Sect for being the one to actually create the InCognito discord server, even though it was originally a joke entirely unrelated to me. Relatedly, thank you Theo for suggesting that said server become the Cog Protection Squad server. Finally, thank you Sakkiko for a) taking the position of mod that was thrust upon you with grace and b) encouraging me to actually make it a thing that was open to the public. Y'all rock!